Starting from:


Golden Ratio (v.2) - Phi Frequency - Fibonacci Sequence (1.618) - Monaural Beats - Meditation Music

This MP3 contains Monaural Beats that pulse at the rate of Phi (1.618).

This frequency is extremely beneficial for Grounding, Stability, and the Expansion of Consciousness.

528 Hz is also included in this track, which has been associated with DNA Repair, and is an Ancient Solfeggio Scale Frequency (Tone 5).

Together these frequencies have a powerful effect on the general "Well-Being" of an individual.

Headphones are not required for this MP3.

The following frequencies are contained in this MP3:

1.618 Hz
Monaural Beats
Phi Frequency
Carrier Frequency: 144 Hz (Unity Frequency)

528 Hz
Pure Tone
Ancient Solfeggio Scale (Tone 5) - DNA Healing / Upgrade / Repair

90 Minute MP3