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Quantum Healing - Physical, Mental, and Emotional Healing - Binaural Beats - Meditation Music

This MP3 contains Ambient Meditation Music with frequencies which will greatly assist in Physical, Mental, and Emotional Regeneration.

In Yogic Tradition, the Body and Mind are not separate .. but rather the Mind or -- Consciousness -- controls the body.

The following frequencies are contained in this MP3:

528 Hz
Pure Tone
Ancient Solfeggio Scale (Tone 5 - Transformation)

432 Hz
Pure Tone
Cosmic Frequency

360 Hz
Pure Tone
Balance Frequency, Derived from the Golden Section
Physical Body Regeneration

10.5 Hz
Alpha Binaural Beats
Mind / Body Unity

8 Hz
Theta Monaural Beats
Deep Relaxation

60 Minute MP3