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Mood Elevator - Alpha Waves for Serotonin & Endorphins - Monaural Beats - Meditation Music

This MP3 contains Alpha Monaural Beats that will greatly assist in Serotonin Release.

Alpha waves are universally beneficial and are associated with the following effects: 

Increased Mood (Serotonin Release)

Reduced Effects of Jet-Lag

Enhanced Nerve Response

Sense of Well-Being and Decreased Pain (Increased Beta-Endorphins)

Immune System Stabilizer

Relaxed Awareness

The following frequencies are contained in this video: 

10.5 Hz
Monaural Beats
Relaxation / Serotonin Release

10.5 Hz
Binaural Beats
Relaxation / Serotonin Release

90 Minute MP3